miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

What is the unity

Unity is what we are, we came from what was, and decided to experiment on what isnt. Born on justice, faith, and specially love. We decided to forget our origin to convert on to an unveiling world forged on impermanence. We all decided to come here to cherish ourselves in the glory of experience of what isnt. We only need to remember our purpose, we knew it when we became small parts of our true essence.

When did we forget love,how did that happen, just keep your faith alive, until our essence comes back to us. Where are our essential values, anything that takes us away from them is not worth it. Just remember that this experience is easy when you are aligned to love.

We will find the unity when we live through love and not through fear.

Please keep your faith alive, we still have time, love will stop it all...

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